Internet Of Things Projects
Products from EspressIf are ideal for low-cost WiFi IoT devices. These are small postage stamp sized modules with WiFi and some limited IO to attach sensors and other devices.
This page shows several projects using these devices or other comparable IoT devices.
Besides an onboard 3D Accelerometer/Gyro chip, LSM6DS3, we squeezed in a Bme280 environmental sensor as well as a LIS3MDL magnetometer onto Rev 5.2 shown!
It has 3 standard servo jacks with servo power to the upper right. There are 2 counter units ideal to use as two QEI encoder ports!
A serial port for programming and an I2C port as well as SPI port and a Io or JTAG debugger port make this a powerful unit.
4 LEDs and a on-board accelerometer/Gyro unit using the LSM6DS3 are handy too.
Eclipse Dev & several threads on FreeRTOS.
An analog jack with ADCs and dual DACs.
GDB debug using openOCD works now where a J-Link debugger plugs into the JTAG jack.
Esp8266 Based ArduCam WiFi Camera
PADI IoT Stamp Board
This board is a useful base for IoT projects based on the PADI IoT Stamp module from seen at top center of the board.
It has WiFi and a power supply from USB.
The PADI is a $2 module The PADI due to a lot of RAM is able to run FreeRTOS.
4 standard servo jacks with servo power or your own SPI are on the jacks to the right.
On the bottom is a serial port and to the far upper left is an I2C port and then a debugger port for use with a J-Link debugger.
This board has built in 2 programable leds and a button ready for use.
I include this as it is dirt cheap but is lacking relative to the Esp32.
Amazon AWS IoT MQTT and Bluetooth GATT
The Mark-Toys powerful Esp-32 based IoT friendly Development board is ideal for IoT!
See the Esp32 Development board in detail on it's own page HERE
on Mark-Toys!
Esp-32 Based Board For IoT or Robotics
This configuration of the Mark-Toys Esp-32 based IoT friendly board sports software allowing this device to push periodic data to Amazon AWS IoT service. This allows this platform with current firmware to read the environmental sensor and using Amazon AWS backend report values then sleep for low power and 'rinse and repeat'.
An optional tiny 128x64 pixel OLED display using a SSD1306 chip off of the I2C bus is shown here. The unit can run local only with display or report to Amazon Iot backend.
We now software to drive several different sized displays and this one is tiny and low power unit with a cost on EBay typically of under $3.
The software also supplies a Bluetooth GATT server which I can use with an AndroidStudio APP to configure the wifi. This will be a nice configuration for any number of IoT devices for either direct bluetooth LE to an Android or IPhone app.
GDB debug using openOCD works now where a J-Link debugger plugs into the JTAG jack.
This Esp8266 based platform with a connector and mounting holes to support general project use can also hold an ArduCam Mini Camera as shown here.
The board uses an Esp12 or Esp07 module with Wifi and built in IO like I2C, serial and SPI for external IO A MicroUSB for power and a 3.3V regulator and LEDs,reset switch.
One use is ArduCam configuration using the popular 2MP jpeg camera that operates over SPI and I2C from the Esp12 and uses the OVM2640 image sensor. It is running code developed by Johan Kanflo (Thanks!) to form a web based CAM.
Environmental Monitor With MQTT reporting And Access Point Config
This configuration of the Mark-Toys Esp8266 board monitors local temperature, barometric pressure as well as humidity from a Bosch Bme280 and then reports the values to the tools. Many MQTT clients on smartphone or pcs can then see the data.
Using an Esp8266 processor and built in WiFi and it takes readings then contacts www.CloudMqtt to report the conditions. I is configured with a WiFi Access Point.
The Esp8266 PC board from Mark-World is shown to the above left and a Bme280 sensor board from is attached. The IoT device prototype is in the pictures to the above right.
We short a pin to ground to reset wifi and it provides a WiFi access point at IP to connect to then setup wifi credentials and reset it so it is configured on your network.
The code for this board was done as an Arduino IDE sketch using Esp8266 plugins.
Temperature And Shake Sensor
'Wall Wart'
Here is a small box that plugs into the wall and powers a tiny Esp8266 processor that keeps track of temperature and vibration of the device.
This Iot unit has it's own power supply and the small wall-wart case plugs directly into the wall. It is not UL approved.
This reports data to a cloud server account on It has a serial console that can be accessed over BlueTooth from a bluetooth terminal running on an Android or iPad but it's real value is in it's reporting data to a server 'in the cloud'.
The development environment for this unit is using C compiler (GCC) and then download code to the unit from Linux PC serial port.
Mark-World - Tech Projects To Amuse The Curious
Internet Of Things