Zizmos Earthquake Sensors

This is a 3x4 inch IoT device based on a Raspberry Pi with custom designed STM32 embedded processor designed and coded with linux software and embedded STM32 firmware by myself in a startup called Zizmos. Zizmos provides an advanced earthquake early warning system.  This is the IoT sensor for remote earthquake and shaking and building tilt sensors for use in customer sites in the field to detect earthquake shake events.   Please see  the Zizmos website for details on the full system.

This unit was the 'Municipal Sensor' to be used at Fire Stations, Hospitals, Libraries and other Municipal installations.

The sensor has a realtime processor subsystem that does accurate accelerometer sampling and then detects shakes with given signatures that are likely to be earthquakes.    The sensor board was designed and coded by myself so I present it here as it is a recent IoT effort.  

Earthquake detections are sent to the cloud based Zizmos backend by the linux main processor where propriatary code eliminates false triggers and then can send out notifications to the free Zizmos eQuake app which runs on  iOS and Android devices.   Again, please visit Zizmos website for information on the full earthquake early warning system.

The final versions also had monitoring of the sensor tilt in 3D which could be of use to monitor building foundation settling over longer periods of time by a backend in the cloud. 

Zizmos Home  Sensor

A second much smaller IoT Earthquake sensor was developed to prototype level (proof of concept level) for the home market prior to our Kickstarter.

This sensor used the Raspberry Pi Zero W which has built in WiFi.

The sensor shown here was developed with the same  realtime processor subsystem that does accurate accelerometer sampling and then detects shakes with given signatures that are likely to be earthquakes.    The sensor board was designed and coded by myself so I present it here as it is a recent IoT effort.  

As with the industrial model, this home Earthquake sensor sends detections to the same cloud based Zizmos backend by the linux main processor where propriatary code eliminates false triggers and then can send out notifications to the free Zizmos eQuake app which runs on  iOS and Android devices.   Again, please visit Zizmos website for information on the full earthquake early warning system.
Mark-World - Tech Projects To Amuse The Curious
Earthquake Sensors